Pittsburgh Garden
Railway Society
Pittsburgh Garden
Railway Society
Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2015
The regular
meeting of PGRS was called to order at 2:15 by Pres. Keith Baggus at
Alice & Clark Kemmerer's home.
Jan Vogt, Ed &
Ann Celento, Keith Baggus, Sandy Hubert, Bill & Jill Fallecker,
John & Tina Weimer, Ed Banks, Jack Pyle, Miller Adams, Bill &
Claudette Malick, Mark & Teresa Demyan, Alice & Clark Kemmerer,
Alycefaye Stewart
Open Issues
Train Show on July 11-12
Monroeville Convention Center
The club will be
setting up on Friday, July 10 after 5pm, near the boarding doors.
Help Needed
Show time:
Saturday, 10:00-4 and Sunday, 12:00-4 (help needed at teardown)
A 10’ X 20’ area
will be the size. The theme is “Streetcar Destination...A Camp in
the Woods”.
Club members are
asked to bring anything that relates to camping, picnic, animals in
the woods, summer cottage, swimming, and anything that would enhance
the idea. Place your name under what you bring in an
inconspicuous spot so it can be returned to you.
They do pay us
to do this show. We have applied for the Nov. show but are on hold
for approval to do either a 12’ x 18’ or a 10’ x 15’ display,
depending on space available. So let’s give them a reason to invite
us back in November! Jackie Magri has been working hard to get us
into these show.
“Community Days”
August 8
(10:00-4) & 9(12:00-4)
Set up is in the
basement of R.R. Museum on Friday, Aug.7, at 12:00 noon. Dinner at
Hugo’s afterwards. Same theme as Greenberg Show will be used for the
layout but in a much larger display area.
We will be
raffling a HO set that Don Goodwin purchased for the club. Tickets
will be sold for $1 each or 7 for $5.
Club Picnic
August 15 starting at Noon
Miller and Bonnie
Adams will be hosting the Picnic at their home this year. More
details to follow.
Club Trailer
Need for a
replacement trailer was discussed at length during the meeting. A
motion was made on behalf of Don Goodwin, who was unable to attend
the meeting because of work, and seconded by Ed Banks to purchase a
new trailer. Ed suggested that we should look into putting jacks
under the existing trailer to take the weight off the suspension
when it is not in use.
A motion was made
by Keith Baggus and seconded by Clark Kemmerer to…
1. Use all the
money from the 50/50. (Prizes for the Christmas Dinner will be
2. Use profits
from raffles.
A second motion
was made by Clark Kemmerer and seconded by Tina Weimer to send a
letter to all members requesting a donation for the “Trailer Fund”.
Our secretary and treasurer were given the task of composing the
letter. Some money has already been donated to get the fund
The club owns 6
box cars. $100 will be requested for advertisements to be placed on
the car’s sides ($50 a side). Forms to purchase a side will be
available for distribution at the Greenberg show.
“Go-Fund-Me” on
the internet was mentioned by Teresa Demyan. She is going to look
into placing the information required to get funding for the
purchase of the trailer.
Tina Weimer gave
updates on all accounts. You may view them on the club’s web page
with your password.
Submitted by:
Sec. Alycefaye Stewart