
Established 1994

Pittsburgh Garden Railway Society
C/O Ann Celento
312 Hawthorne Street
Canonsburg PA, 15317

September 2014 Newsletter

From the President's Desk Trips
Chasing Trains - Big and Little The Dining Car
Photos Tech Tips
Upcoming Train Shows & Events Video of the Month
Wanted / For Sale Minutes

Financial Report (password required)

Membership Roster (password required)

Wanted / For Sale

At our last meeting several members suggested that we should have a place in the newsletter where members could post items that they were selling or things that they were looking to buy.

Please send any items to Dave Bodnar ( dave@davebodnar.com ) at least a few days before the end of the month to be included in the next newsletter.

Wanted:  Brass track and switches - Rolling stock - contact Ken Magliettta,  724-747-4747 kmagliet@cobweb.net 
For Sale: Scratch built passenger cars & caboose & freight cars - see: http://davebodnar.com/railway/Scratch_Built_7-2007/ - contact Dave Bodnar (dave@davebodnar.com )
Wanted:  John Weimer is looking for AristoCraft Streamliner passenger cars with the B&O designation.
Email is John.Weimer@Comcast.Net and phone is 724.832.9541.
For Sale:We have removed more than 150 feet of G-scale track from our garden railway and wonder whether anybody wants it. Some is Aristocraft and some is LGB; it has been in the back yard for almost 20 years. $50 for all. Questions? Call Chuck Dollins at (412) 561-1945 or email cdollins@gmail.com